A domestic Inquiry is an internal inquiry into some alleged misconduct by an employee. The main objectives of the domestic inquiry are to establish whether the alleged misconduct is proven or not and if the misconduct is proven, to recommend a punishment that is appropriate to the offence committed.
The complainant is normally the management of the company but sometimes, can also be the victim of the alleged misconduct. At the domestic inquiry, the employer will present its case and the employee is given an equal opportunity to defend himself against the charges of misconduct.
We are given task by our lecturer to make a visit to industry either government or private corporates bodies regarding the procedure of Domestic Inquiry. Based on the required from our task, we choose to visit and interview the Domestic Inquiry officer, Mr. Khairul from Naza Motor Trading Sdn Bhd Company. Why we choose this company because this company is the bigger company. So the bigger company will have the domestic inquiry.
- Thanks to Mr Khairul and my group members because give a good cooperation to us. I'm very thankful because I can complete my task with successful. I'm proud to myself because I have contacts to help me to complete my task. My internship help me to have a contact with the corporate people especially in HR.