Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Visit to Ministry of Human Resources (Domestic Inquiry)

The second visit we are going to the same place at Ministry of Human Resources. We are going for the purpose to get knowledge related with our subject is Domestic Inquiry. We get opportunity to ask question to the officer to get some information regarding our topic. We have a chance to ask question to the person right hand assistant of Ministry of Human Resource. He also story about the case that happen in Malaysia. Then, he also story about the picketing that always happen in front of the building ministry of human resources. We are lucky because during the visit, we saw the live picketing in front of the building and we so surprise because we never seen the live situation like that. Before this we only study about the picketing and we never expect we can see the picketing situation.

What is the difference between class room learning and industrial learning?

The difference between class room and learning and industrial learning is in the class room is more to theory and example of the cases. Other than that, in the class only learn what are from the note and it is limited. But, industrial learning is we can relate what we learn in the class with what we learn during visit. We can more understand if we know the theory what we learn in class with what we hearing from the industrial learning. If we not learn before we going to the industrial learning, it’s hard to understand and study. Example, if Mr. Rosandy give a cases regarding Domestic Inquiry, but we are not learn about domestic inquiry yet. How to I understand the are case he talking about. So, Industrial learning are not teaching me to understand the theory but make me understand the concept of the domestic inquiry and industrial relation. Without know the theory, we cannot understand the concept is.

Me and my friend take
 the picture with Mr Rosandy

I am proud because I have a chance to follow this visit. I am also happy because I got opportunity to ask the question to Mr Rosandy. I am also appreciate to my lecturer because give me opportunity to learn the something new and its can gain my knowledge. Through this trip, I more understand how the concept there to apply toward the cases regarding with industrial relation. I more understand because I can know the fact of the cases and how they solve the cases. This trip is very valuable for my future because I can use the knowledge I got from this trip.The visit is benefited to me because I have opportunity to get to know someone related with Ministry of Human Resource. Its can give me opportunity to me for future. May be its easier to me if I interested to involve and working at Ministry of Human Resources. Other than that, it’s easier to me to contact if I need to ask any question

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